Apr 10, 2018
Things might look bright and warm during Springtime, but there's something sinister underneath the surface. The pastel colors of the flowers camouflage the blood and death in the soil that helped them grow.
When the difference between life and death depended on a bountiful harvest, people made human sacrifices to appease the Old Gods of the earth.
In this episode I talk about horror movies devoted to the Old Gods of Springtime, man's uneasy connection to the earth, and how groups of people can be scarier than the Old Gods themselves.
Also in this episode is the first installment of "Five Horrible Minutes," a Q & A with fans of the show and how they celebrate the horror genre with their own art!
I hope you enjoy the show!
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Movies Discussed:
Children of the Stones (1977-BBC Miniseries)
The Owl Service (1969-BBC Miniseries)
The Wicker Man (1973)
Kill List (2011)
Spring (2014)
The Guardian (1990)