Oct 28, 2016
What are you dressing up as for Halloween? I have some ideas...
This month I went to the Sinister Creature Con in Sacramento, CA.
This convention focuses on the technicians behind the shock effects, and it’s filled with artists demonstrating their work and their passion for everyone to see.
This Convention is the...
Oct 23, 2016
Have you gotten your Halloween scare yet?
In this episode, I give a selection of movies to watch for this Halloween season.
My list skips the "old reliables" in favor of some lesser known films you may not have seen before.
It’s a mixture of old and new, American and foreign, monsters, ghosts, and some new...
Oct 10, 2016
My Halloween celebration has a soundtrack.
And, along with all the standards, I collect “non-traditional” horror songs; ones that induce dread, or shock, maybe even fear.
In this episode I share some of the songs that are mainstays in my October playlist. Maybe some of these songs will inspire you, and become...
Oct 3, 2016
My biggest thrill doing this podcast is getting to talk to people about this stuff.
I really want to start conversations with you...and now I get to!
Recently, an H4H listener named Bradley J. Kornish started an email conversation with me.
I decided it would be fun to do a phone interview with another passionate horror...