Dec 26, 2018
One last surprise present "under the tree" for my listeners! I'm continuing the British tradition of the Christmas Ghost Story.
Get some eggnog, put another log on the fire, nurse your wounds from your most recent game of "snapdragon", and sit back to listen to my rendition of Algernon Blackwood's "The Willows".
Dec 20, 2018
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from MAGIC”. -Arthur C. Clarke
“The only way of discovering the limits of the POSSIBLE is to venture a little way past them into the IMPOSSIBLE”. -Arthur C. Clarke
When we watch a movie, or we listen to someone tell a story, we actively allow ourselves...
Nov 19, 2018
The first 100 purchasers of Screaming for Pleasure can get a FREE eBook of Isaac Thorne’s Road Kills!!
Nov 1, 2018
Just because things might seem normal and ordinary…doesn’t mean they really ARE.
Some places, no matter what your eyes tell you, just feel…weird…creepy…uncanny.
Every culture has a haunted place…a haunted house.
And Halloween is the night many of us go out to seek these haunted places!
In this episode I...
Oct 16, 2018
The '80s were horror movie heaven.
A wild mixture of new technology, misfit filmmakers, obscure distributors, rich dentists trying to find tax shelters, buckets of blood and latex, and home video rental helped usher in one of the most prolific and influential eras in horror film history.
A new documentary in the works,...