Jun 26, 2017
One reason I love film festivals is that they celebrate creativity.
So I was honored to be asked to judge Etheria Film Night held in early June in Hollywood.
Etheria Film Night is the world's most respected showcase of new horror, comedy, science fiction, fantasy, action, and thriller films made by emerging women...
Jun 19, 2017
Who says they don’t make good horror movies anymore?
I think we’re in a good time for creative, creepy horror movies, you just need to know where to look (hint: it's usually not from the major studios).
I made a list of movies released within the last four years that I liked, and there were too many to put into...
Jun 6, 2017
Can you sympathize with a monster?
In some cases I think you can. It depends on the story and how well the story is told and acted.
In this episode J. Blake Fichera (author of the Rondo-nominated book, "Scored To Death: Conversations with Some of Horror's Greatest Composers") returns to the show to discuss the...