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Feb 22, 2024

The 96th Academy Awards Ceremony is in a few weeks, but the annual outrage over the lack of horror movie nominations is in full swing. We fans know that the only award that matters is if you recommend a horror movie to your friends.

In reality, 2023 was a damn good year for horror movies, with diverse styles and subgenres to satisfy any horror fan's tastes, and I have so many recommendations I needed two episodes to cover them!

Join me as I celebrate the "Killer Elite," a list of horror movies that surprised me and I recommend them to horror fans!

I hope you enjoy the show!

Movies covered: 

Cobweb (2023)

The Outwaters (2023)

We Might Hurt Each Other (2023) 

Suitable Flesh (2023)

Thanksgiving (2023)

Destroy All Neighbors (2023)